Jeremy Herve

Open on

WordPress, TV Series, music, kids, and board games. I think that's probably the best way to define me in a few words. ๐Ÿ™‚

I work at Automattic on the Jetpack plugin and its infrastructure. You'll consequently find me talking about WordPress things a lot, but also about all things open source in general.

I am French and live in Brittany, so I will post in French from time to time, as well as share pictures of our beautiful Brittany. ๐Ÿ™‚

You can also follow my blog on the Fediverse at @jeremy, for more long-form updates.

Pronouns: He/Him


Donncha ร“ Caoimh

A #Cork man living in #Blarney, like. They say Cork is the real capital of #Ireland.

I work at #Automattic on various things like, Crowdsignal, other obscure things and WordPress plugins.

I take photos, so many photos. Lightroom says I have more than 388,000 photos spread over the last 22 years. I love street photography.

#WordPress #Photography #StreetPhotography

Ron K Jeffries social

Love ideas. A curious person. Working on becoming a better person, with limited success. Wannabe writer. Photographer. Pls. don't harsh my gravitas. LOL
Posts evaporate after two weeks. #fedi22 #ai #photo


Marta Torre ๐Ÿ’ข :wordpress:

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Fullstack web dev
๐Ÿฅฉ Food/Beers ๐Ÿป
โ™€ Feminist/Activist โœŠ
๐ŸŽฎ Gamer
๐ŸŒŽ Changing the world
๐Ÿšดโ€โ™€๏ธ Bikes and mobility
โ“Œ WordPress
๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฟโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝ #WPDiversity
๐Ÿ’ผ Freelance
๐ŸŒˆ She/Her

#diversity #accesibility #sustainability #privacy #opensource #linux #development #freelance #wordpress #urbanism #ethics #politics #feminism #myopinions #UrbanMobility

[Profile picture: image of Marta, a white cis woman giving a presentation wearing a black t-shirt with the word human in lgtbiq+ colours.]

Javi A.

I used to be @JohnHackworth in the dead bird site. I'm still @jv in the crabs and chaos hellsite (affectionate).
I used to work at Tumblr, at WordPress and a bunch of other things.

Doug Tabacco

Hi, I'm your medium-friendly instance admin here at!

By day I'm a software and devops engineer for a big tech company with a bridge-shaped logo. Obviously I do not speak for them here (or anywhere, really).

Darren du Nord

A round-earther and curious technophile. Sharing a bit of #LakeLife near the #Minnesota- #NorthDakota border. Amplifying interesting posts and passionate people.

#Vikings fan, #skol, #MNUFC, #sunsets, outdoors, #lakelife, #UpNorth #fishing, #iceFishing, #winter, hobby #hacker, #hamradio, #raspi, #mnastodon, former #Microsoft, #entrepreneur, dad to #actuallyautistic adult.

Pictures are my own unless attributed. Licensed CC Intl 4.0.

A work in progress. Teach me something new.


Dompteur de sites #WordPress | Certifiรฉ Opquast | Pour la neutralitรฉ du net | J'ai fini internet 3 fois | RTFM | PEBCAK | ๐Ÿ‘พ ๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ

Brian Coords

I make websites (usually with WordPress) and write about it. Sometimes that's on my blog, sometimes MasterWP, and sometimes on the back inside cover of a worn-down copy of The Hobbit.

Other things I care about: self-directed education and secular homeschooling my five kids, going outdoors at least once a month, sleeping.

Real Social Networks

Tor zu den wirklich sozialen Medien

Liebevoll, handgeschriebene Reposts von der dunklen Seite der Macht ...oops... Social Media


Gateway to the real social media

Lovingly, handwritten reposts from the dark side of the force ...oops.... Social media

#Fediverse #Matrix #Fairphone #Mastodon #Pixelfed #FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #fedi22


David Bisset

Dadยณ. #PHP #CSS #JavaScript #WordPress #BuddyPress Developer.

I run WPCharitable (a WP plugin for #nonprofit organizations to build campaigns and get donations), owned by Awesome Motive.

Toots and โญ are my own.

Panos Damelos (on vacation!)

Living in Greece. Anticapitalist/anarchist/liberal communist. Polyamorous. Active in the internets since the late 90s through IRC and forums. Currenty loving the Fediverse and involved in the Calckey project, helping with community management and project coordination. Member of the admin team of the greek-speaking calckey instance (and matrix homeserver)
This is my main english-speaking account. Greek speakers can reach me at