K k_purpose@post.lurk.org

Open on post.lurk.org

I'm 48, which means I feel old in the internet pretty much all the time.
Always in the process of learning something.
I won't boost any image without a caption.
My profile picture is my cat getting warm in front of the heater. My other pic is an orange sunset through my panoramic window.
You can read my pinned post for more info.


ghose ⁂ 👣 @ghose@gts.xmgz.eu

🦥 GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons.

aka @ghose, slowly (pun) moving here.

GL | EN | ES

Trail #runner and 👣 #barefootrunner. I ❤️ #cycling. Early bird 🌅. He/Him.

Traduzo Software Libre ao #galego.

:debian: & :archLinux: user

:mastodon: since 2017-10-31 (mstdn.io, toot.site, mastodon.gal)