Local Ancom / radikaalialeksi local_ancom@kolektiva.social

Open on kolektiva.social

Uusvasemmistoanarkisti, joka unelmoi aktivismin palautumisesta organisoitumiseen ja suoraan toimintaan sekä alakulttuureihin. Vegaani. Antifasisti, spesifisti.

New-left anarchist, vegan, especifismo, antifascism
(and an anarcho-communist as username suggests)



yac-ct @yac-ct

The Youth Anarchist Collective of Cape Town's official Plume account.

We are a small youth organisation in the Platformist tradition based on advocating for anarchist-communist solutions to the issues faced by South Africa. We will publish writings here by members, and as such not all things published will reflect the views of the group as a whole.

#Anarchism #communism #environmentalism #feminism #LGBTrights #antifascism