Qper qper@infosec.exchange
Thinks he can do #Linux. Dad& Husband<br>Currently #VoidLinux & #Qtile on Wayland!<br>Always has a testingdevice. <br>Currently #NixOS and #KDE<br>Likes #smarthome [#HomeAssistant] #F1 <br>guilty pleasure: #Reactionvideos<br>Interested in Security.
sotolf @sotolf@alpha.polymaths.social
I'm a serial hobbyist, trying to have as much fun as I can, Some things I find stupid, and I probably will tell you, but I try not to be a dick about it, mostly I do manage that.
Some things I do like:
- Programming
- Shorthand
- Retrogames
- Indiegames
- Pen and paper puzzles
Some things I don't:
- Bloat
- Intolerance
- Replyguys
sotolf @sotolf@gotosocial.verboseguacamole.com
Alt for sotolf@social.linux.pizza