silvio :antifa:
$ hostnamectl
# A creature that has to get along on this planet,
# a nerd, a gamer, a cyclist and from time to time a normal person.
Enjoy the journey and throw kindness around like confetti!
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
"OPTIONAL" in this feed are to be interpreted as described in
RFC 2119.
Mama Hörnchen [38C3]
cross-sleeved cyborg were squirrel with buggy host body.
vegan at heart – if only my body would let me.
Still alive, despite all odds.
Themen: Hippiescheiße, Handwerk, Dinge mit Holz, Gartenbau, Klima Drama, Ultralight Outdoor Gear, Nähen, Stricken, Kraftsport, Segeln, Tiny House, Nachhaltigkeit, Queer Foo, Relationship Anarchy, Neurodiversität, behindert sein, Autoimmunscheiß, Biohacking, ME/CFS, MCAS, POTS, SFN, EDS und ein paar weitere spaßige Buchstabensuppen.
Homes: HH & nahe B
Christopher Dlugosch
Father, husband, SAP consultant & developer
Born at 341ppm CO2
Calisti 🏳️🌈🦇
(he /him) Hacktivist, Antifacist, Anarchist
Soziale Arbeit, Traumapädagogin, Antigewalt- und Deeskalations-Trainerin, Feuerwehrfrau, mag Schafe
Macht Sachen, je nach Laune.
AmiW Streetart 🍃
Götter sind für den Menschen unerreichbar.
Gezeugt, zur Welt gebracht, im Moment lebendig, vermutlich irgendwann in Zukunft tot.
Woke ist kein Schimpfwort.
Achtung: Account kann Spuren von Vögeln enthalten!
Daniel Fisher (lennybacon)
entrepreneur, enthusiast, technologist, developer, architect. Views, models and controllers are my own. He/him