Tanquist tanquist@masto.ai

Open on masto.ai

I like #OpenSource and #NonProfit so I signed up to see what would happen.

I dabble in #C++, #VBA, #StereoPhotography, and #Drawing.

Header image: #Stereogram of a 2019 art display on the top level of the old herring factory in #Djupavik, #Iceland. When in operation from 1935 to 1954, dried herring meal flowed through the chute at the far end of this hall into burlap sacks.

Profile picture: A picture of me one of my kids snapped circa 2012.

#Autistic #Atheist #Sober #Gay #Progressive


Dušan 🇷🇸⚛️ @me@social.dusanmitrovic.xyz

Hi there! I'm a software developer from Belgrade, Serbia, mainly dealing with distributed systems. An all-round nerd, minimalist and a tinkerer. I sometimes engage in political commentary. My opinions are my own.
 Besides computing, I'm interested in philosophy of religion, politics, psychology, biology, poetry and literature.