Zlatko Duric zlatko@social.zlatko.dev

Open on social.zlatko.dev

according to some, I'm avant-garde ;)

I also sometimes post at https://pixelfed.social/zlatko, and my website is https://zlatko.dev and my photo website https://photos.zlatko.dev.


Brooke Vibber :blobcatcoffee: @brooke@bikeshed.vibber.net

nerd, weirdo, person, whatever. i enjoy bad puns and you will see them. i also like going off on random tangents about tech, movies, or other random things of interest. fun activities include having mental health and flight simulation.

you may enjoy my work on mediawiki & wikipedia, or my wacky webassembly codecs. or my cat photos!

formerly of mastodon.technology and identi.ca (so it goes)

no bio means no follow request approval! just be cool. :)

0x7f @0x7f@genserver.social

I am a dad and an #elixir developer

DarkBizzu ⏚ @DarkBizzu@toot.portes-imaginaire.org

#introductionfr #présentation

Présent depuis plusieurs mais actif depuis aujourd'hui...

Résumé par mots clefs: #jdr #cuisine #cyberpunk #plongée #DéveloppeurWeb #dotnet #csharp #blazor #webdev

shellkr @shellkr@firefish.social

#ArchLinux and general #opensource user. Been using #Linux since 2001ish. Had a Nokia N800, N950 prior and #Jolla with #SailfishOS as a mainphone until 2018. I like tech a lot but not as much as I used to. Has become interested in #Solarpunk. I like tech that is good for mankind. Was pretty much Google free. Haven't used Facebook or Twitter in decades. I am a father. My work is within health care and psychiatry. My interests are very broad... I cover pretty much all the bases. ;)

#psychiatry, #medicine, #technology, #society, #science, #history, #biology, #antropology, #sociology

Los @los@mastodon.ketz.io

I code 🖥️, play the french horn 📯, drink beer and whisky 🍺, play videogames 🎮

Dgar @dgar@aus.social

Real Name: Jon O’Hare
Stage Name: Dgar - pronounced “Jar”

#𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 liberally
#𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚝 often
#𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 the Fediverse

Thank you for dropping by, I’m so glad you could make it.

May be seen posting: jokes, memes, politics, weird thoughts, music.

I’ll usually try to make you laugh.
I may also send you in another direction.
This account is not one dimensional.

A favourite/like from me simply means "Marked as read"


#Dgar #Dgarhead #Dgarheads

Bane Grbić @emocentrik@mas.to

Tooting on South Slavic

Juri @juristr@mas.to

👨‍💻 Sr. Director of DX @nxdevtools · GDE
🥚 @eggheadio
🚀 follow for JS, webdev, devtools, monorepo & content creation topics
🐦 https://twitter.com/juristr
📺 https://twitch.tv/juridev

brennen @brennen@federation.p1k3.com

follow requests welcome, but please have a posting history and profile i can check out, be someone i know, or message me saying hi first.

if you paste unsolicited chatbot spam at me, i will block you.


in favor of soup.

computer unenthusiast.

extremely normcore by the standards of the extremely weird company i keep.


Florian Spier @spierala@mas.to

Sr Engineer at https://www.portofantwerpbruges.com
| #Angular | #Svelte | #RxJS
| Author of MiniRx Store http://mini-rx.io

Matti Järvinen @nemeciii@mastodon.social

Professional web programmer since 2002. BSc(Eng) Software Engineering.

SW Developer at http://gofore.com

- #Scrum
- #Angular
- #React
- #TypeScript
- #Javascript
- #PHP
- #CSS

- #BoardGames
- #WH40k
- #RPG

Rí Rua @athairbirb@mstdn.social

A Gael, a Teuchter but no fae Balinaheuchter.
I write typos and tragedies.

None of my views are my own.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Gàidhealtachd, Alba.

Toots >1 year old are ♻️

xmpp: @papabirb@disroot.org