How to install Viber on Kali Linux?

There are many lessons on the Internet about how ....... But none of them were good for my case.

That's it. Let's start. You use the Terminal, the Sudo command and the Text Render (Gedit, Leafpad, or which is installed on your Linux).

Download Viber:

  1. From the site - , and save to the / home / download / folder.

  2. Open a terminal and enter:

$ wget -O ~/viber.deb

Now go to the file, or simply go to the folder:

$ ls ~/viber.deb /home/download/viber.deb

However we try to install viber.deb, we will always encounter an installation error. Common are: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of viber: viber depends on libcurl3; however: Package libcurl3 is not installed.

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of viber: viber depends on libssl1.0.0; however: Package libssl1.0.0 is not installed.

This is the result of Viber's "ideal" support.

These errors are not because the files are not installed and missing, they just have newer versions. For example, libcurl3 new version is libcurl4, on libssl1.0.0 the new version is libssl1.0.2.

So we will have to repackage Viber.deb and change some things in it.

Open in the terminal folder / download /

In the terminal write:

$ dpkg-deb -x viber.deb viber

$ dpkg-deb --control viber.deb viber/DEBIAN

Then, in the folder / viber / DEBIAN /, open the file "control" with the text editor.

Find Line:

'Depends: libpulse0, libasound2, libnss3, libssl1.0.0, libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0, libgstreamer1.0-0, gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly, gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio, gstreamer1.0-libav,'

Find libcurl3 and replace it with libcurl4, and if you do not add it at the end of the line libcurl4. Find libssl1.0.0 and replace it with libssl1.0.2

At a terminal run:

$ dpkg -b viber vibernew.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i vibernew.deb

That worked for me. And remember that you must first create another user with administrator rights because, because of the security, many third-party applications do not work under ROOT, you will get an error if you run in a terminal:

$ /opt/viber/Viber

The error is:

[1952:1952:0612/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See

Material used:

Viber started and he drove for an internet connection. After a few seconds he read:

"No Internet connection"

After a short Google search, it turned out that the problem is in libssl1.0.0 Still, Viber is looking for this package.

Because it is old and no longer available in repositories, it will need to be manually installed.

We download the package from this address:

in the folder / download /

We open the folder in the console.

But before installing libssl1.0.0, we will need to install multiarch-support.

Now in the console:

$ sudo apt install multiarch-support

$ sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u11_amd64.deb

$ sudo apt-mark auto libssl1.0.0

In this case, apt-mark auto libssl1.0.0 will help: this way the package will be considered for automatic removal if it becomes unnecessary in the future.
