How Remote Jobs affect the Productivity ~HowRemoteJobsAffectTheProductivity
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Introduction Employers expect to move about 44% of workers to work from home during the pandemic, according to the World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 2020. But 78% of business leaders think that working from home or remote work will have a negative impact on productivity. Those working from home face mental health and well-being challenges, including childcare pressures and digital connectivity. There are huge disparities between countries and sectors, the Future of Jobs Report found. Around 60% of workers in high-income countries such as the US and Switzerland are unable to fully work from home. This figure rises to more than 80-90% for economies such as Egypt and Bangladesh - mostly due to digital connectivity and the sectors common to those economies. The majority of business leaders surveyed (78%) expect some negative impact of the current way of working on productivity, with 22% expecting a strong negative impact and only 15% believing that it will have no impact or a positive impact on productivity. M2 Marketing are one of the top and leading real estate marketing firms. We deal with top housing projects like lahore smart city and Nova City Islamabad. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Supporting mental health at home Mental health is a major factor impacting productivity for remote work. The report says: “Remote workers are faced with potential well-being and mental health challenges due to extensive changes to working practices as well as new areas of exclusion such as access to digital connectivity, living circumstances and the additional care responsibilities faced by parents or those looking after elderly relatives.”
Three likely reasons for this skepticism were identified in the report:
The switch to remote working is occurring during a period of additional stress caused by the risks associated with the COVID-19 virus.
Those looking after children are faced with additional pressures – needing to take on more unpaid care work due to changeable school and nursery arrangements.
Newly remote-working companies are still establishing a sense of community and ensuring a flow of communication in the post-lockdown world of work. The Bottom line Business leaders are prioritizing the mental health of employees. The Future of Jobs Report found ensuring employee well-being was among the key measures being undertaken by leaders looking to effectively shift to remote work. In particular, more than a third (34%) of leaders said they were taking steps to create a sense of community among employees online; they were also looking to tackle the well-being challenges posed by the shift to remote working.