What Is the Difference Between Hajj and Umrah In Islam?

Here is an article on What Is the Difference between Hajj and Umrah In Islam offered by our travel agency with

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. In Islam, the Hajj and Umrah have a long history. Hajj is the most important prayer and the fifth foundation of Islam, and it is a divine ritual that every adult and capable Muslim must conduct at least once in his life.

Every year during the Islamic month of Zil Hajj, Muslims from all over the world flock to Mecca, Saudi Arabia’s holiest city, to perform hajj. A sincere hajj can aid in the forgiveness of all the sins committed during the pilgrim’s lifetime. And he returns home with a great level of spirituality and religious esteem.

Hajj’s History

In general, the term ‘Hajj’ denotes ’to seek an expedition. Long before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born, according to the Holy Qura’an. Allah has summoned Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) to lead his Ummah to righteousness.

The Water Quest in Safa and Marwah

Prophet Ibrahim was directed by Allah to leave his second wife, Hajra, and their son Ishmael stranded with few dates and water in a valley between the hills of Safa and Marwah shortly after his arrival in Makkah. From the Islamic history of Hajj and Umrah.

Difference between Hajj and Umrah in Islam?

Ishmael’s thirsty screams soon as a result of the lack of water. Hajra was forced to run seven times to the highlands of Safa and Marwah in pursuit of water. Fresh spring water – known as Zamzam to this day – from the soil below quickly began to fill the valley and satiate the thirsts of both the child and the mother, as per Allah’s orders.

The Holy Kaaba is Allah’s House.

Allah directed the Prophet Ibrahim to build the Holy Kaaba in order to demonstrate his love and allegiance to His holy laws. The Kaaba was erected by Prophet Ibrahim and his son, Ishmael. And later remodeled by Qusay bin Kilaab of the Quraysh tribe in 400CE with imposing roofing for protection against harsh weather conditions, still stands tall today.

The Al-Hajar Aswad was delivered from Jannah to Prophet Ibrahim by Gabriel, the Archangel in charge of bringing Allah’s orders to His prophets. Prophet Ibrahim placed it in a corner of the Holy Kaaba and conducted Hajj for the first time.

Paganism and Idolatry

The concept of monotheism gradually faded from the holy city of Makkah in the decades before Muhammad’s arrival, resulting in the practice of paganism and idolatry, as well as the obliteration of Hajj customs.

The Kaaba Is Being Rebuilt and Cleaned

The Quraysh tribe once again assisted in the rebuilding of the Kaaba in 600CE. This time using wood and stone alternatively to survive the harsh weather and other stimulatingly dangerous circumstances. With the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Al-Hajar Aswad was placed in its proper location in a corner of the Holy Kaaba.

The Holy Prophet demolished various idols and paintings that the pagans had set inside the Kaaba for worship. Ultimately, this will lead to the restoration of the House of Allah’s majesty and holiness. It’s everything about Hajj’s history in Islam.

In Islam, the Umrah has a long history.

The Umrah refers to a short pilgrimage to the Bait ul Haram. Unlike Hajj, which is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for every Muslim. Umrah has the distinction and grandeur of being named Sunnat-e-Moaqqida by the Holy Prophet and can be completed as many times as a Muslim desires during his lifetime.