A First post...

exploring a new platform, looking for a nice place to freely write...

A First post...

Not yet familiar with this, but it's clean and no distractions around. What can it do? Images are needed.

Don't see a control to insert one, and copypasta doesn't do it either. Found it -- via HTML markup language for all formatting.

Images need to be hosted somewhere else, and you need full url to insert into an img tag to display it. Using your home instance's own storage, say, images which are already posted in one of your own Toots, is possible. They do have pretty LONG urls, but hey.

A Dark Theme is nice and easy on the eyes.

IDEA: look for Browser extension/add-on supporting html markup tags; will save time compared to hand typing each time.

Found a Firefox add-on for Markup! bbCodeWeb Extensions.

Now tested and working, used here in the Blog and at our QOTO.org's Discourse Forum posts too.

RG @design_RG@qoto.org