Olympic Weightlifting ~OlympicWeightlifting

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Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 10

Fallacy #4: Weightlifting "stunts" your growth and has a very high injury rate.

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 9

Fallacy #3: Bodybuilders, football players, wrestlers, powerlifters, etc. are stronger than weightlifters.

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 8

Fallacy #2: Everyone who lifts weights is a "Weightlifter".

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 7

Some Common fallacies About the Sport of Weightlifting , Fallacy #1 Bigger ''muscles'' are strong muscles.

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 6

Why become a weightlifter?

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 5

What is Weightlifting?

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 4

What weightlifting is all about - it may not be what you think!

Olympic Weightlifting


Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 2


The Oly Encyclopedia 1
