Remar ONG: How to Become a Social Worker? A Brief Guide to Help Others in Need ~RemarOngHowToBecomeASocialWorkerABriefGuideToHelpOthersInNeed
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Remar ONG is an NGO with Christian foundations that began its work in Spain in 1982, created to help, promote and develop people in situations of social exclusion; Remar ONG has more than 38 years of experience in the fight against injustice. Do you wish to become a Social Worker yet somehow are unsure on how to go about it? Well, here’s a brief guide to inform you about it.
Overview Social work is an extensive field with many promising career paths for you to choose from. Some of us are empathic and compassionate and born with an innate need to help others in distress. Although we may not realize it, most of us are natural at it. To truly become a social worker, you must possess kindness and consideration for the human spirit. You should have the natural ability to inspire others and lift their spirits to help make a difference around you. However, for those who need a little nudge, this guide will help you head to the right direction.
Educational Prerequisites To become a Social Worker, you must first complete a bachelor’s degree with a major in social work, sociology or even psychology. After that, you should study criminal justice. In addition, by choosing a master’s degree, not only will you advance your career, but you will also open the door to many opportunities.
However, one of the key things that you must bear in mind while studying for this career is the accreditation. Make sure whatever school you choose to go to is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Apart from this, you also need to get licensed once you complete your education.
Duties and Responsibilities To understand how to become a Social Worker, one must also have a detailed understanding of what they are required to do. Typically, social workers’ work generally includes:
• Assessing and trying to review the social problems of a person, a family or even a community • Analyzing different available alternatives to help people in fixing their problems or at least help those in distress to look at them with a clear and a positive perspective. • Implementing various plans to help create a solution • Conducting regular follow ups to help processes in becoming smoother
The Career Usually, a social worker can either turn into a counselor or a therapist who works within a corrections facility, a welfare office, support agency, or even within schools or child protection. Regardless of wherever you work, one thing is for sure -every day will bring a new test and many rewards for. REMAR ONG has its doors open day and night, having made a commitment to those most in need, channeling human and financial resources that allow them to broaden the future expectations of all those people who knock on their doors with real urgency. These people are fed, dressed, educated and given the love and attention they deserve, as well as professional training, dedication and listening.
So now that you know all there about how to become a Social Worker, perhaps now you can start helping all those in need.
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