The wooden spoon goes to...

My Plume logo

The results are in, and my submission for Plume's logo came last. Never mind.

An admission: I sketched it out way back, before the contest was announced, and before Plume got its sleek, angular new look. It's a nice, fat, friendly blob, but it wouldn't look right here.

Congratulations to the winner, @trwnh. A much slicker purple feather.

Plume logo design by trwnh: a purple feather, shown in various contexts

If I'd been allowed to vote, though, I would have gone for Troll's winged P. (Sorry, blob.)

Plume logo design by Troll: a capital P with a cute wing on its bowl

All the entries will be included in the Plume source, so that they can be used in alternative themes. I hope that one day a kind site admin will release the blob to fly free over their posts.