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The Psychology of Procrastination and How to Beat It
The first time I attempted to write this article, I procrastinated the hell out of it. While I could lay this one at the Internet’s door, the truth is none of us can blame our procrastination on lolcats or any other productivity poison.
6 Incredible Benefits of Working Abroad
Living and working abroad changes you – and not in a “you’ve changed man, it used to be about the music” kind of way.
6 Reasons Why It May Be Time To Change Your Job
Do some research into what’s making you sad and find ways to change it. If that’s work, then start there. You owe it to yourself to make your life as pleasant as possible.
Thinking About Going Freelance? Here’s What You Need to Consider
Mainstream offices are definitely changing but many companies simply haven’t caught up. This means a lot of people work in ways that don’t suit them. The office grind isn’t for everyone.
What it Means to Find Your Dream Job
If I asked you about your worst job ever, what would you say? When I was in college, I worked the graveyard shift in a hotel, serving congealed fried breakfasts to hungover hen parties.
Presenteeism vs. Productivity in the Modern Workplace
Companies are catching on to the idea that time spent in the office isn’t necessarily indicative of quality work but in the vast majority of workplaces, there is more emphasis on the appearance of work rather than the work itself.