Editor mark@writeworks.uk

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Mark @paka@mastodon.scot

Mark @mlansbury@libranet.de

Tracking, archiving Boris Johnson & Tory lies.

Casey Rollins :verified: @realcaseyrollins@counter.fedi.live

I'm a Christian dude who's chaotic good. Free speech advocate and conservative who really likes technology. Can't legally drink alcohol yet, probably never will tbh. I definitely don't use all my talents to the fullest lol

realcaseyrollins ✝️ @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world

Casey is a Christian black conservative pro-life slactivist who own and operates @counterpointsmedia@counter.fedi.live as well as @counterfedi.counter.fedi.live. His activities on the #Fediverse have been met with a fairly positive reception, with many saying the following:

"Scrote" - @EmmaFaber@spinster.xyz

"Yep you're a retard" - @Boomerman@poa.st

"Cringe and embarrassingly retarted" - @RoyalJohnny242@poa.st

"So low T" - @ehhh@poa.st