wraptile wraptile@plume.mastodon.host

Open on plume.mastodon.host
Software engineer, nerd, somewhat of an artist and a traveler.

Halcek @halcek@merveilles.town

A dweller of #thought on a playground. Interested in #philosophy, exploring the power of #words.
#Reader of modernist #fiction.

I localise #fediverse projects.

Ninja @ninja@blogs.nudie.social

Christian ✝️, husband, dad, #香港人 🇭🇰

#selfhosting & digital privacy avocate, software developer

#中国人 🇨🇳 #天体主义者 #naturist #nudist #Freikörperkultur #FKK #bodypositive #lifemodel #Sydney #Australia #HongKong ; Admin of Nudie.Social fediverse services

J K 🇯🇵🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 @jk@social.nipponalba.scot

Quintessentially Celtic, vehemently Viking, passionately European, unashamedly, proudly Scottish, craft beer and single malt whisky lover, enthusiastic cook, vegan, rookie dad
