Hello world

new here at Plume

Ola Plume!

Estreo blog! New blog in the fediverse


I discovered fediverse on the Identi.ca era. I didn't know what federation or microblogging were, fediverse did not exist then but as a concept, and I was just a linux user (ubuntu by the time), FOSS conscious user searching for alternatives to birdsite. I was really not aware of how internet works, how free services (free as free beer) on the internet make money: users are commodities. I barely used it. Nobody (I knew) there to talk with. Later I jumped to GnuSocial in the form of Quitter. I learnt a lot about this decentralized networks, the most important thing: pure chronological TLs and no algorithm to suggest me users/posts and reorganize TLs. Huge difference. There were some fellas there to talk to.

About early 2017 something was trending on my feeds, something in the form of decentralized and federated_ services: FEDIVERSE. They were internet services using open protocols (on development) spread over many different servers but talking each other. Many problems with this common language but all them taking shape and getting people onboard.

Not so long ago Mastodon started making loud noise (at this scale) and plenty other services started to blossom. Almost all commercial services have a federated equivalent, for blogging now we have Plume.

And here we are.


My main contribution is translating FOSS to galician, helping people to use free software and understand why this matters in the long term for our society.

imaxe da miña conta en quit.imquit.im lost image :(


I open this blog for this reasons:

  • as Plume's galician translator I need to know if I'm doing a good job.
  • follow Plume's development
  • find a place to share long texts. A step further from microbloggin.
  • bring Plume out beta helping developers to find bugs and testing features.

Idioma / Language

I'm galician, from Galiza, and I'll write most of my blog post in galician(gl). This is not the most clever option if you want to reach wider audiencies here on the internet, it's somehow a political choice, my way to tell the world about our culture heritage.

worry not!, some post will be written on english (or spanish) as this first one. As so few people will read me I guess I'll use it to improve my english writting skills not worring about it. Please excuse my limited vocabulary tho.


gnusocial mastodon website quit.im pixelfed peertube