Free as in Freedom ~FreeAsInFreedom
There's one author on this blog: bhyoram
Freedom is the recognition of necessity
— Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Latest articles
The deporter from Haifa
Zionist mayor against the Palestinian community of Haifa
More freedom - more fun
Librem5 is finally here
The alternative: Building a movement of liberation against a colonial regime, not demonstrating to defend “Jewish Democracy”
Statement of the One Democratic State Campaign
البديل : حركة مناهضة لنظام الابرتهايد الاستعماري، وليس المشاركة في حماية الديمقراطية الاجرامية
بيان صادر عن حملة الدولة الديمقراطية الواحدة
هبة الكرامة - الذكرى الاولة
Upraise of dignity - 1st Anniversary
What a shame
The Russian regime and the Arab revolution
Chatting on Linux phone
Mobian/PinePhone chatting experience
الحرية لاسرى الحرية
freedom for prisoners of freedom