Using your Numpad as a Mouse

Today I found a cool little xorg command that lets you use your numpad as a mouse. For my secound #100DaysToOffload I decide I would share it.

Today I found a really cool command that lets you use your numpad as a mouse in X. If you type this into your terminal emulator:

setxkbmap -option keypad:pointerkeys

And press Shift + NumLock, you can move your cursor using the numpad. Here are the bindings:

 7 8 9
 1 2 3

And you press 5 to click. There are also other bindings. The top three characters (/,*,-) signify left click, middle click ad right click. To start your cursor is on left click. To change it you press the corresponding key then 5 to actually click.

To drag soething you press 0, then you press . to release.

How do it make it run everytime?

Put the command setxkbmap -options keypad:pointerkeys into your WM's rc file or if it doesn't have one put it into your ~/.xinitrc.