A Sovereign Scot ~Asovereignscot@blog.nipponalba.scot

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A never launched blog of thoughts around Scottish politics.

Latest articles

TTIP – MP response to NHS Bill request

Originally posted November 21, 2014

TTIP – MP request to vote for NHS exemption

Originally posted November 21, 2014

Block Fracking in Scotland Response 5

Originally posted November 17, 2014

Writing Off Scotland

Originally posted October 7, 2014

Block Fracking in Scotland Response 4

Originally posted October 10, 2014

Block Fracking in Scotland Response 3

Originally posted October 10, 2014

Block Fracking in Scotland Response 2

Originally posted October 10, 2014

Block Fracking in Scotland Response 1

Originally posted October 10, 2014

Block Fracking in Scotland MSP Request

Originally posted October 10, 2014

Jock Tamson's Bairns

Originally posted on October 5, 2014

What result saves the union?

Originally posted October 5, 2014